Grija pentru sanatatea cursantilor nostri
Probabil ca ati fost cu totii alarmati de acoperirea in mass-media, din ce in ce mai frecventa in ultimul timp, a raspandirii noii gripe. Desi fenomenul ia multa amploare in special la TV, nu am avea niciun motiv sa ne imaginam ca aceasta gripa este mai periculoasa decat orice alta gripa normala. Totusi, in contextul […]
Remember, remember the 5th of November!
Year 1605. Thirteen young Catholic conspirators planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Among them- Guy Fawkes, one of Britain”s most famous traitors. Their main purpose was to assassinate King James I during the opening ceremony of the Parliament, while everyone was inside, including innocent people who would be killed in the attack. To […]