Eseu castigator 15-19 ani – Premiul Special (Gabriela Ciocarlan)

  ”It appears that in our attempt to be unique, we end up walking around as copycats of others”, a psychology teacher explains. Nowadays, being different means being rebellious. Furthermore, who wouldn’t wish for a reputation of a nonconformist? As far as I am concerned, I strongly believe that by everyone’s attempt to break the […]

Eseu castigator 11-14 ani – Premiul Special (Bianca Petrache)

                    My mum”s mum for a day, by Bianca Petrache “Rise and shine! Sleepy head!!”said mum as she used to,every day. “Great!Another perfect day wasted on school!!” “School is important!!” “Really?Then how came you didn”t go to college??” “I had you! And I don”t want you […]
