Eseu castigator 15-19 ani – Premiul Juriului (Hani Chkess)

Should we fear conformism?, by Hani Chkess The task given is, undoubtedly, a paradox and by definition a paradox is provable, thus true, so that if avoiding conformity is, as it seems, impossible, is there a ?good? form of conformism? But before developing what I previously mentioned, it is necessary to clarify what conformism is […]

Eseu castigator 11-14 ani – Premiul Juriului (Diana Stoean)

? A day amongst the clouds, by Diana Stoean When I came back home, I found my dad?s pilot cap lying on the chair in the living room. I took it and headed towards the mirror on the hallway to admire myself. While I was saluting my reflection, the dashboard of a helicopter appeared in […]

Clifton College, here we come!

Toata lumea isi pregateste cu entuziasm bagajul pentru ziua ce urmeaza. De ce? Deoarece maine ne imbarcam intr-o calatorie de neuitat la Clifton College. ?Timp de doua saptamani vom locui intr-un campus universitar renumit din Marea Britanie, unde vom face cunostiinta cu un mediu multicultural care ne va deschide noi perspective si ne va arata […]
