Suntem Cool, suntem la Oxford!!!

???? Ieri, pe data de 15 iulie un grup vesel de tineri cu varste intre 14 si 17 ani a parasit Bucurestiul canicular cu o destinatie? cool la propriu si la figurat : campusul Universitatii Brookes din Oxford, Anglia. Calatoria a fost placuta si a facut ca pana ala ajungerea la destinatie sa devenim un […]

Eseu castigator 15 -19 ani – Mentiune (Alexandra Todor)

Platypuses, rain, pea a hoover and notebooks Platypuses, rain, pea, a hoover and notebooks.?They have nothing in common. Paint them together and they will make you go mad, cut an ear and be declared a genius a thousand years after your death. Or even better, turn the pea into a necklace, tattoo a platypus where […]

Eseu castigator 11-14 ani – Mentiune (Andrei Anastasie Gogu)

                      A different day, by Andrei Anastasie Gogu It is said that little things make us happy and I think that is true. Every time I get a new computer game or a certain present that I have longed for, I am really, really happy […]
