Esti un profesor de limba engleza preocupat de life-long learning? Esti interesat sa iti perfectionezi tehnicile de predare si sa le aliniezi la standarde internationale? Iti doresti sa iti adaugi in portofoliu un certificat de prestigiu cu care poti preda engleza oriunde in lume?
Atunci rezerva-ti un loc la workshop-ul GRATUIT “How CELTA can change YOUR life”, organizat de Shakespeare School si Carturesti.
Cand si unde?
Workshop-ul va avea loc joi, 5 Noiembrie 2015, in intervalul orar 10:00 – 12:00, la Carturesti Verona, Str. Pictor Arthur Verona 13-15.
Profesorii Nicoleta Dinescu si Georgiana Bose – traineri acreditati CELTA – iti dezvaluie tips&tricks despre cum sa iti eficientizezi metoda de predare pentru a oferi elevilor tai cursuri de calitate.
In cadrul workshop-ului afli tot ce trebuie sa stii despre cursurile Cambridge CELTA organizate de Shakespeare School in Romania dar si care sunt beneficiile unei astfel de certificarii internationale.
Mai mult, workshop-ul are scopul de a-ti oferi argumente despre cum CELTA iti poate imbunatati metoda de predare, cariera si nu in ultimul rand, viata.
Cum ma inscriu?
Pentru a participa la workshop-ul“How CELTA can change YOUR life”, trimite un e-mail cu datele tale de contact (nume, numar de telefon, e-mail si scoala la care activezi ca profesor) pe adresa
*Numarul de locuri este limitat, asa ca asigura-te ca te inscrii chiar ASTAZI. Daca te-ai inregistrat si nu poti ajunge la workshop, te rugam sa ne anunti via e-mail pentru a putea oferi locul unui alt participant.
Speakeri: Georgiana Bose & Nicoleta Dinescu – CELTA trainers in cadrul Shakespeare School.
Toti participantii vor primi cate un Certificat de Participare.
Pentru mai multe informatii, ne puteti contacta la sau la 0755 033 839.
Te asteptam pe 5 Noiembrie, la Carturesti! Iti punem numele pe lista?
Adriana Alionte
Shakespeare School Director
Meet the trainers
Georgiana Bose is a DELTA-qualified teacher of English at Shakespeare School and has gained, over the years, experience with different types of audiences, ranging from young learners to teenagers and adults. She is also a Cambridge certified CELTA teacher trainer, workshop host, course designer and Exams Manager at Shakespeare School. She held workshops and presentations during the RATE Conference in 2012 and the Fischer conference in 2014 and has been one of the speakers in the Bright Teachers series of teacher training workshops organised by Shakespeare School. As a teacher trainer, she has hosted various in-house training sessions with original ideas on how to implement techniques of collaborative and student-centred learning in daily lessons and is also a mentor for newly qualified teachers during their internship stages. As a CELTA trainer, she has been successfully running CELTA courses in Romania for 2 years now.
Nicoleta Dinescu is a DELTA-qualified Senior teacher of English, mentor and course designer at Shakespeare School. She has been working in ELT for more than 15 years and she has an extensive background in teaching and teacher training. As the Director of Studies, she provides information and guides the teachers at Shakespeare School on how to continue their professional development in order to meet the challenges of their work and achieve their goals as well as those of the language centre itself. As a skilled teacher trainer, she has delivered numerous workshops on how to prepare for international exams and she was a plenary speaker at the 2012 RATE conference and other professional meetings and seminars. She has also been one of the speakers in the Bright Teachers series of teacher training workshops organised by Shakespeare School. As a Cambridge certified CELTA trainer, she delivers CELTA courses in Romania at Shakespeare School.