
Sky high in the London Eye

beautiful london eye 100377 1600x1200Sky high in the London Eye

Ever since I fell in love with the English language and the British culture, I’ve wanted to visit London. “Why?” you may ask. Well, because everything about it called out to me. Every picture I saw, every new detail I learned about this old city made my desire to see it burn even brighter. A history fan, as I am, I was intrigued by its history, by the fact that it has been around for two millennia, going back all the way to when the Romans founded this now world renowned city. Of course, since then, it has grown in all directions, both literal and metaphorical, and when the new millennium already had a good strong foot through the door I learned that the Londoners were going to inaugurate a giant Ferris wheel to celebrate this important historical threshold.

My previous passion for London had now been tripled and I researched all I could about this new attraction. I found out that it is located at the Jubilee Gardens, on the South Bank of the River Thames between Westminster Bridge and Hungerford Bridge, that it has a height of 135 meters and a diameter of 120 meters, which made it the tallest Ferris wheel in the world, at the time.

I heard that from its highest point I could have a magnificent panoramic view of my favorite city in the world. This wonder of modern technology is nowadays the most popular attraction in the U.K. and around 3.5 million people are lucky enough to ride sky high in the London Eye each year.

Alas, I have as yet to be one of these most fortunate and blessed people, but I have made it my personal goal in life to not give up until I have visited this astounding city and have seen it from the highest point of the London Eye.

By Elena Andreea Armă

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