
Eseu castigator 11-14 ani – Mentiune (Mocanu Bogdan)

The fake perfect world, by Bogdan Mocanu, student at School no. 2, Brasov

Everyone wants to live in the perfect world, even if we know that this is impossible.  Most people think the perfect world is the one in which they’ve got a lot of money without doing something to earn them.

In our world the balance between poor people and rich people is unstable and unfortunately when some people get rich other people starve. Most of the poor imagine money is an open window to a decent life. None of them dream about a luxury life, they just want to have the essential things in order to survive. Even if you are smart enough to have an important job, if you live in a poor city or if your family doesn’t have the money to support you in a college you won’t be able to have the life that you dream about.  Pride, jealousy and malice make this world  sick. Everyone wants to get rich and they don’t see that this is not the key to happiness. The rich are so proud of themselves that they see “lions” when they look in a mirror, even if they’re “cats” in reality. They feel so strong that they can do everything they want, and I’m afraid to say that they are right. In 21 century, if you have enough money and enough influence, you can do anything you want without being punished.

That’s what I’d like to change in my world. I think that the perfect world doesn’t exist but together we can make life fairer for everybody. I’ve had enough! I don’t want to see anymore an old man staying on a bench with his stick crying because he doesn’t have what to eat the next day. I’m fed up with seeing people suffering and other people not knowing what to do with all their money.

I can see the future clearly like in a crystal ball. If we don’t change our attitude, we won’t equilibrate this difference between people and we’ll go back to slavery. Still together we can change the world in a better one!

Acest eseu este castigatorul unei mentiuni in cadrul 2011 Shakespeare School Essay Competition, grupa de varsta 11-14 ani, avand ca tema descriere a unei lumi perfecte pornind de la 4 imagini sugestive. Premiul a constat  intr-un cadou surpriza din partea librariei Carturesti, dictionare Cambridge/Oxford + CD ROM sau album British Churches, de la Fischer International , un voucher pentru achizitionarea de articole sportive din Puma – Cotroceni, un voucher de reducere 50% la orice curs de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, un rucsac si alte surprize din partea British Council Romania. Dorim sa il felicitam pe Bogdan pentru faptul ca s-a evidentiat din peste 5100 de eseuri trimise la concursul national de creatie in limba engleza organizat de Shakespeare School si ii uram mult succes in continuare!

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Shakespeare School și-a creat o metodă de predare a limbii engleze inovatoare, care reprezintă o aplicare originală a Teoriei Inteligențelor Multiple. 

Ce înseamnă, concret, metoda noastră?
Profesorii identifică și adaptează atmosfera din clasă și activitățile, astfel încât ele să răspundă intereselor și aptitudinilor fiecărui cursant în parte. Folosim o mare varietate de resurse pentru a oferi calea cea mai rapidă și ușoară spre învățare luând în considerare darul fiecărui cursant în parte.

Descoperă și tu metoda Shakespeare School în cadrul lecțiilor demo de limba engleză!

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