A trip to Wonderland– by Razvan Olariu, 12 years old, School nr. 49- Bucharest
Hi! My name’s Razvan and I’ll tell you what happened to me some time ago.
Three weeks ago I watched the film ”Alice in Wonderland” and I liked it so much that I decided to read the book, too.
After I finished reading the book, something strange happened to me. I fell asleep. Wen I woke up,I realised that I was in Wonderland. It was fantastic! The clear blue sky was decorated with golden chrystal rays.
There, it was pouring with juice, it was snowing with popcorn, the plants could walk, and jelly fish were swimming in the chocolate rivers. Believe me, gold was growing up the trees!
All of a sudden, a creature pushed me into a bush. It was Alice! ”Sorry! I thought you’re a pixie!” apologised Alice.
I asked her if she wanted to see my world, but she replied that the magic portal could only take me back to Earth.
The first place I visited was her house and, as I really wanted to have a flying lesson, Alice whistled OK Cancel LOS ANGELES – justin bieber love me lyrics had finished school for the day, but the threat of detention was still looming. two times and two huge eagles appeared. We landed right on her porch and and I saw her diamond house. I decided that the first thing to do was to show her my MP4 and my mobile phone.
She was so excited! As a souvenir, she gave me a pheonix feather which changed its colour daily.
We had ”worm stew” for lunch and then… I was back!
What a wonderful trip!
Acest eseu este castigatorul premiului III in cadrul 2010 Shakespeare School Essay Competition, grupa de varsta 11-14 ani, avand ca tema “Imagine you could step into your hero’s world for one day”. Premiul a constat intr-un curs intensiv de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, precum si in carti si alte cadouri de la Diverta si Fischer International. Dorim sa il felicitam pe Razvan pentru faptul ca s-a evidentiat din peste 3100 de eseuri trimise la concursul national de creatie in limba engleza organizat de Shakespeare School si ii uram mult succes in continuare!