
Eseu finalist categoria 11-14 ani- special BONUS (Petrache Bianca)

A beautiful dream– by Petrache Bianca, 12 years old, School no.149


I was enjoying myself picking flowers on a splendid meadow, listening to the birds singing their love songs, watching the butterflies flying around and the busy bees looking for juicy pollen……when I heard some commotion coming from the river bank.

What was happening???

I couldn’t believe my eyes!!! None other than Shrek – the monster king – his beloved Fiona and their inseparable friends the Donkey and the Cat were having a royal picnic in the swamp near by.

I never thought I would have such luck to see all of them so close because I must confess they are my favorite heroes for their moral values, their love and devotion to each other and to their people.

I hid behind a tree not knowing what to do. I was dying for an autograph but I was too shy to try my luck. After splashing each other with mud in perfect harmony…..with their friends, they started to eat!!!!

They were having the perfect picnic with all the repulsive things that delight these special creatures!!!! I was all eyes and ears enjoying every minute from my hiding place, when….suddenly….Fiona chocked with a bone!!!!

All of them did their best to help her but couldn’t succeed.

It was my opportunity to come to the rescue!!!!….because I knew the Heimlich procedure……My arms could barely embrace Fiona’s body but my will was strong enough and I saved her.

The bone was out ….AND I WAS IN  !!!!!!

Shrek and his friends couldn’t thank me enough for my bravery.

They took me to their palace as a guest of honor and organized a ball for me. All the people at the court treated me like a VIP and kept asking my opinion about the important issues in the state management because they thought I had the best answer for their problems.

Shrek talked to me about the budget crisis and I suggested him to make the rich people pay more taxes and to cut expenses like for example to have less balls as the one he invited me to.

The ladies of the court got very upset and the rich nobles got really mad at my words, all the more because both Shrek and Fiona thought my ideas were quite salutary and very useful.

Two of the younger nobles caught me alone and tied me up and threw me in the deep river surrounding the palace to teach me a lesson.

As I was going down to the bottom of the river a mermaid saved me and pulled me vigorously out of  the water, saying

“ Come on lazy bones!!  Wake up ! It’s time to go to school !!!!”

A cruel reality lay before my eyes. It was my sister pulling the blanket off me to make me get up……

Well, at least in my dreams I have high connections and meet nice people…some of them, anyway!!!

And of course there’s always  tomorrow…another night another adventure!!!

Acest eseu este castigatorului unui bonus special in cadrul 2010 Shakespeare School Essay Competition, grupa  de varsta 11-14 ani, avand ca tema “Imagine you could step into your hero’s world for one day”. Premiul a constat intr-un discount de 10% la orice curs intensiv de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, precum si in carti si alte cadouri de la Diverta si Fischer International. Dorim sa o felicitam pe Bianca pentru faptul ca s-a evidentiat din peste 3100 de eseuri trimise la concursul national de creatie in limba engleza organizat de Shakespeare School si ii uram mult succes in continuare!

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Profesorii identifică și adaptează atmosfera din clasă și activitățile, astfel încât ele să răspundă intereselor și aptitudinilor fiecărui cursant în parte. Folosim o mare varietate de resurse pentru a oferi calea cea mai rapidă și ușoară spre învățare luând în considerare darul fiecărui cursant în parte.

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