
Queen Elizabeth II – The British Royal Brand

queen elizabeth What else can be said about Queen Elizabeth II?

Besides the fact that there is hardly anyone on the planet who has no idea who she is, she represents the British Royalty at its best. She was meant to be a queen and took her part very seriously.

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She was born on the 21st of April 1926 in London and she became queen at 25, on the 6th of February 1952. One of the things people rarely know is that on the 10th September 2015, at the age of 89, she would surpass Queen Victoria as the longest-reigning monarch in British and Commonwealth history (as well as the longest-reigning female monarch in world history). She initially had little prospect of succeeding to the throne until her uncle, Edward VIII, abdicated in December 1936. Her father then became George VI and she became heir.

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The Queen is married to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and has four children and eight grandchildren. She has reigned through more than five decades of enormous social change and development.

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I personally was not a fan of her until I saw the movie, “The Queen” in which Helen Mirren beautifully interprets her; then I realized that she has one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. And to carry it off with such grace, in such an elegant manner, you need class. And patience. And loads of diplomacy. The movie covers the period right after the death of Princess Diana, when Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II struggled with her reaction to a sequence of events nobody could have predicted. Let’s not forget who Princess Diana was, People’s Princess. And let’s not forget that what was happening at the time was a struggle between two worlds: that of Queen Elisabeth II and royal duty and that of a princess who was the center of media attention.

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My heart went for the queen who realized she had a royal brand to protect. She stood her ground, like a rock, just like she has done so far, in every situation. And she has been around for quite some time, so let’s just hope she will be around a lot more.


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Now, she has obviously met a lot of presidents, from 1952 till now. The challenge for you is to recognize as many as possible and let us know who they are. Please do so in your comments.

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