
Why should we write, or even care about volunteering?

children-picking-up-trash-photoEven two decades after its launch, Madonna’s song and its message applies as vivid  as ever to our society: we are, indeed, living in a material world, and we have “successfully” adapted our mentality to it. Career-wise, children are more driven by the financial rewards of their potential future jobs than by the moral satisfactions that might come out if it – and that leads to a sad outcome: ending up doing something because it;s profitable, not because you love it.

One way to avoid this is to look for charities that support something you’re passionate about and try working as a volunteer for them, even just for a week-end. I remember the first time I helped out at an animal shelter – I was in my first year of high-school, I badly wanted a dog, but my parents were against it, so I decided I didn’t need to take a puppy home to make its life better. I’ll never forget how full of pride, satisfaction and happiness I was leaving the shelter after a day’s work, for being able to help those defenseless little creature that depended on us, humans, for survival.

Be it at an orphanage, a care-center for the elderly, a campaign to save the environment, we should all experience, at least once in our life-time, how it feels to do something selflessly, only for the sake of the good deed. I promise you, it will become an addiction you’ll never try to get rid of.

Have you ever given volunteering a try?  How did it make YOU feel? And if not, would you consider it? I’m anxiously looking forward to reading your stories! So.. ready, steady, volunteer! And tell us about it too:)

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Shakespeare School și-a creat o metodă de predare a limbii engleze inovatoare, care reprezintă o aplicare originală a Teoriei Inteligențelor Multiple. 

Ce înseamnă, concret, metoda noastră?
Profesorii identifică și adaptează atmosfera din clasă și activitățile, astfel încât ele să răspundă intereselor și aptitudinilor fiecărui cursant în parte. Folosim o mare varietate de resurse pentru a oferi calea cea mai rapidă și ușoară spre învățare luând în considerare darul fiecărui cursant în parte.

Descoperă și tu metoda Shakespeare School în cadrul lecțiilor demo de limba engleză!

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